Friday, December 18, 2009

Week 5 - Course Reflection

Week 5 Reflection -

* What outcomes had you envisioned for this course? Did you achieve those outcomes? Did the actual course outcomes align with those that you envisioned?

I knew that the course title was Instructional Leadership, but had no idea that this coursework would link leadership to technology. I do not believe that I could have possibly envisioned all that I learned in this course. As a prospective leader on campus, I was not aware that so much of the technology responsibility lies with the principal. I did learn how to interpret data from various sources which give great insight as to where an individual campus or district align with state and national technology expectations. I believe that I learned a great deal about technology and what information a principal needs to determine campus needs in technology equipment, skills, and professional development.

* To the extent that you achieved the outcomes, are they still relevant to the work that you do in your school? Why or why not?

Knowing about the Long Range Technology Plan and expectations for the state, districts, school personnel, and students is very relevant to my current position. Incorporating this newly acquired knowledge will definitely help me become more of a digital citizen and encourage me to be a better model for technology use. I believe that I feel more comfortable using and implementing technology than previous to taking this course. I will be more inclined to use this valuable information as an educator and will be able to share this knowledge with other professionals therefore impacting many more educators and classrooms. Analyzing campus, district, and state technology data has encouraged me to make a greater impact on technology use on my campus. I believe that since my campus is comparable to the state in all areas but one, we are headed in the right direction to achieving technology goals. We are one level below the state in the Infrastructure key area so I feel that I can go back to my campus leadership team and influence necessary technology budgets, suggest technology focused professional
development sessions, and increase the awareness of incorporating meaningful technology in the classroom.

* What outcomes did you not achieve? What prevented you from achieving them?

I believe that I did learn some very valuable technology tools, but did not get to experience as much as I could due to the accelerated pace of the coursework and readings. I would have liked to experience setting up a wiki or participating in a class conference. I believe that I was not allowed experience completing assignments like this because too much emphasis was placed in posting in a discussion board rather than on completing more technology based projects. I feel like too much emphasis was placed on the readings and not enough on actually completing technology products or projects. I enjoyed completing the week 4 assignment. I had to understand the structure of technology and district leadership in my district so I contacted our Instructional Technology Director, Miguel Guhlin, who also happens to be one of our course’s contributing authors. Mr. Guhlin graciously shared district links and department information that helped me understand the leadership roles and communication necessary to implement good technology practices within the district.

* Were you successful in carrying out the course assignments? If not, what prevented or discouraged you?

I was successful in carrying out the course assignments but do feel as though much time was spent on reading and the discussion board. I would have much rather done more in-depth study of my district plan, set up a wiki, searched and thoroughly read more students’ action plans, or commented on other students’ blogs. I was discouraged when I received helpful information close to our assignment deadline. For example, students were asked to create a flow chart of the technology integration team from distict down to campus. I contacted a district technology director to get the information but focused mine solely on primary responsibilities in technology. One day before the assignment deadline, students were sent a flow chart example as a guide. This flow chart entailed all of the district roles and responsibilities, even those outside of technology. Many students blogged or emailed each other that this information had us questioning if our approach to the assignment was correct or if our flow chart was adequately describing necessary roles. Discussion board confusion and some late updates only added to the five week course confusion.

* What did you learn from this course…about yourself, your technology and leadership skills, and your attitudes?

I learned that I really must be a continual learner in the area of technology. I felt as though I had adequate skills to make me a competent technology user and am sought after for troubleshooting skills. However this course has allowed me to expand my technology horizons in order to ease communication, technology practice, and implementation. I had no real prior experience with analyzing teacher technology data, located in the STaR chart or LoTi survey. I had no idea that technology is an area included in the campus improvement plan or that educators and administrators had responsibilities to become digital learners and citizens.

* What is the educational value of blogs and blogging to the 21st century learner?

Blogs are wonderful educational tools. They allow digital citizens to express feelings, gather information, and share knowledge. Administrators can use blogs to communicate school information, provide teachers with a resource, and most importantly, model the importance of integrating technology in the school as a means of communication. Teachers can use blogs to communicate with other professionals for a variety of reasons. Many teachers blog to share ideas and practices. Also lesson plans and curriculum ideas are easily shared with people over the technology highway, the Internet. Teachers can utilize blogs to communicate with parents about the classroom, expectations, assignments, current school events, and whatever else may need to be shared with the community so that stakeholders are involved in their child’s education. Students can also use blogs to communicate their own ideas, present products, and share knowledge. Integrating technology will help in creating intrinsic motivation for learning and stimulate interest. Blogs can also be accessed from anywhere with Internet connection so work and learning can take place outside of school. A 21st century learner can correspond and appreciate someone as if they are close by even when they are countries away.

* What are the concerns of blogs and blogging in education?

Schools, administrators, teachers, and parents should also be concerned about blogging. It can be a very good tool, but if not monitored can cause predicaments. Blogs can be used as very personal means of expressing opinions. Teachers can easily give away identifiable, personal student information if not careful. People can post comments on a blog that degrade the school, teacher, or are simply disrespectful. Students can use blogs to express their opinions about peers or adults that are inappropriate. Once a blog is created, only the originator can make changes to it so if something on the blog is inappropriate it is on there for all who wish to view it. Safety and security are major issues with blogs.

* How can you use blogging to communicate with school stakeholders?

Blogging can be used to communicate with a variety of school stakeholders. The school district can utilize a blog to communicate information to district personnel and parents. Teachers can use blogs to communicate with students, parents, and the community. Students can complete writing activities or studies on a blog. Generating written thoughts is no longer a paper and pencil task. Teachers can place students in discussion groups to encourage peer learning, sharing, and collaboration. Student technology products like PowerPoints and documents can also be shared on blogs. Students can learn from other students in different cities, states, and even countries. Content subject area topics could be experienced first hand with experts and people who may not otherwise impact a classroom. Teachers can use blogs to post videos or discussions that occurred in class. Educators can follow other educators’ blogs and learn about what has been successful in other schools around the world. Teachers can also communicate various school information to parents such as lessons, important news, helpful websites, and homework.

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