Saturday, November 21, 2009

Long Range Technology Plan

The Long Range Technology Plan helps various groups of people identify tasks or goals that will help integrate technology into our classrooms. It is imperative that our school children become proficient technology users and learn that inquiry is what keeps us all as continual learners. The Texas Board of Education, local education agencies, and even parents, communities, and the private sector have been identified as groups that can positively impact both teacher and student integration of technology and learning. The plan thoroughly describes what each group can do to support schools in getting students ready to be 21st century digital learners. This is helpful since the plan will be implemented in stages and will be used to improve technology use on campuses.

Understanding that teachers must be comfortable learning about and utilizing technology has to be in the forefront of teacher preparation programs and local education agencies. Teachers serve as the models and encourage student actions. Teachers must see the relevance in using technology in their lessons to encourage and promote student engagement, construct meaning, and lesson relevancy. Students are expected to be proficient technology users by grade eight, so technology must be introduced and encouraged early on in a student's learning.
This information will assist me as an instructional leader since I will be encouraging and ensuring that teachers get what they need to be comfortable, willing, proficient users of technology.

Leaders cannot have the expectation of teachers to use technology if the teachers are not given adequate resources or experiences with technology. Principals must ensure that there is an adequate amount of budget dedicated to technology yearly. There also must be emphasis on keeping technology current and updated. Budget is also necessary to encourage professional learning in this area. Teachers must be expected to participate in professional development, but must be encouaraged and rewarded for doing such. Documentation of continuing professional development hours, the giving of technology software or applications, and recognition will help educators see the importance and relevance of incorporating technology in the classroom. Inviting the community to become more technology proficient will also help encourage students use and relevance. Inviting parents to take a computer course at the school or offering open times for community computer use will help teach adults the importance of being a comfortable technology user. So many things can be done on the computer now and since many of our community parents do not have computers at home, they can be taught where to access such resources and encouraged to visit local libraries or colleges to continue computer education and use.

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